I don't ask for much - Really, I don't. But why can't hubby play the lottery, WIN the lottery and let me take a 6 month sabbatical. What would I do on a 6 month sabbatical? Well, besides sleep in until 10 in the morning, drink my pot of coffee while watching the birds frolic in the yard...yeah RIGHT! My 6 month leave of absence would be filled with getting the clothes folded and put away, getting the CRAP we've accumulated over 13 yrs of togetherness put away nicely (so we can at LEAST have company over), getting the house CLEAN...
UGH! I really don't ask for much...BUT if I had MY way THIS is how I'd spend my 6 month leave...

Me...Jeff Probst...Deserted Island...But one with electricity for the coffee pot and fridge for the beer. Yes, I have the MAJOR hots for Jeff Probst! I watched him on Rock and Roll Jeopardy and I've watched Survivor for 9 seasons just because he's on it! Yes, I'm a freak - but I wouldn't have it any other way!
We've been buyign a ticket for years now and still no luck! What the?!
You'd think I'da won by now.
Thank God we have our delusions...
how would we cope otherwise?
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