Ramblings of a crazy, middle-aged (oh, now THAT'S just WRONG), working mom.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Haven't Been Feeling Well...
For the last week I've been fighting not feeling well. the left side of my face has swollen up right under my chin. I go to Urgent care because I'm in MAJOR pain. The doc does the strep test, puts his finger in my mouth to see how tender it is and says 'Don't bite the doc'...Ok, doc - I can't open my mouth more than maybe an inch, you have your finger in my mouth and I'm not supposed to bite you...THEN he touches the most sensitive part of my mouth - the part that's swollen. DON'T BITE THE DOC...I didn't bite the doc, but if he puts his finger in my mouth one more time I can't promise anything.
Since I have a little bit of nothing to do ALL freaking day long, I figure its a good time to add my Philly pic...
Don't I look SO thrilled? Hubby LOVED taking that pic... I'm crawling back into bed now...I'll add the others when I feel up to doing more.
I'm 35, I have 3 WONDERFUL children (STOP laughing, they ARE good kids), a husband who loves me VERY much and TWO great step-sons. I've lived in Tally for about 5 years and so far I like it.
get well soon! Don't worry..its NOT the swine flu...I know it!
You're right - its NOT...just strep and swollen ducts. I'll be back to my abnormal self in a few days! ;c)~
So sorry you're still not well... hope it doesn't last long, sweetie...
Those swollen ducts can hurt like a mother! Feel better soon and take ALL of your antibiotics. Cripes, what am I, your mom?
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