Thursday, February 11, 2010

Facebook Etiquette

Ok, so I've gone to the dark side...I've put myself on Facebook. I fought as hard as I could to stay away from it. I've been waterboarded and tickle tortured until I caved. Now I have a question....

Do I HAVE to accept a firends reqest from Hubby's ex-wife?!?! I mean this bitch from the lowest depths of hell actually got upset that Hubby and I both declined her friends request. I mean seriously?!?!?!?! WTF?!?!?! Hubs and I have been together for almost 15 years - 15 YEARS!!!

The only contact he had with her was when their boys were younger and he HAD to have contact with her. They're now 21 and 19! He agress with me, he doesn't talk to her or ANYTHING. What's REALLY sad? She called Youngest Step-Spawn and was whining to him that we haven't accpted her request and ignored her every attempt...

BITCH - back the fuck off! You left him and have ALL your friends believing he beat you - he's NEVER laid a hand on me or my kids...hmm, you're just a lying whore! I got him, GET over it! Just because you're fat and ugly and can only get a BI-guy to fuck your fat ass doesn't mean we have to still have you in our lives. GO AWAY!!!

So my question is: Am I breaking some kind of Facebook rule by NOT accepting her as my friend? Will I get blackballed from Facebook because I don't like ugly, fat, cheating whores? {Myself excluded, of course!}

Thank you for all your help.

The Crazy Lady Who Writes This Blog


Susan said...

How do you really feel? Seriously, get in touch with your emotions and let it all out. Keep ignoring the bitch.

Marla said...

No way. Why would she even want to be your friend? Yikes. That would be weird, I think.

the mama bird diaries said...

No you don't. But just keep in mind that if you want, you can accept it and then defriend her later (she won't get a notice) or just hide her status updates so you don't even have to deal with her.

country mouse said...

I agree with Mama Bird in theory, but in practice it sometimes doesn't work. I have a crazy relative that I "accidentally" lost on FB but she noticed and wrote me a pathetic letter and blah, blah, blah--upshot of the story is there's no getting away from her.

As for your hubby's ex, I vote for not accepting her request. It's weird that she even asked. Really, really weird.

Anonymous said...

wow. just wow.