Ramblings of a crazy, middle-aged (oh, now THAT'S just WRONG), working mom.
Friday, September 18, 2009
I Have Some News...
And I want to share, but I'm afraid to jinx it...I'll put up some pictures and maybe if I don't SAY it, it'll still happen. Hubs says to me the other day, "I wanna go back to _____ in March. Do you think we can?" Uh, YEAH!!! As long as we have the money, a babysitter to stay with the kids for a week (so they don't miss any school and cuz we're MEAN parents and won't take them with us...yet) and the time away from work won't kill either of our jobs...SO...here's where we wanna go....where I lost my heart. I fell in LOVE with this place when I was a child with BIG dreams, but never visited (until my 10th wedding anniversary) because I totally HATE, LOATHE big cities. I fell in love with one of the BIGGEST cities in the world and I'm a country girl.
ah...well lets see, u will have taxes, soo..money-check, you have a best friend and her soon to be husband who have already agreed to stay with ur oh-so-evil spawn for the ENTIRE week,(gawd forbit they miss school), so i believe that would be sitter-check...so whats the damn hold up here country girl?!?! and you better bring me back something that says I LOVE...oh, wait a min, im not suppose to say it am i?? LOL well, u know what i mean!!! luv u girl!!!!!
I'm 35, I have 3 WONDERFUL children (STOP laughing, they ARE good kids), a husband who loves me VERY much and TWO great step-sons. I've lived in Tally for about 5 years and so far I like it.
ah...well lets see, u will have taxes, soo..money-check, you have a best friend and her soon to be husband who have already agreed to stay with ur oh-so-evil spawn for the ENTIRE week,(gawd forbit they miss school), so i believe that would be sitter-check...so whats the damn hold up here country girl?!?! and you better bring me back something that says I LOVE...oh, wait a min, im not suppose to say it am i?? LOL well, u know what i mean!!! luv u girl!!!!!
Why am I thinking San Francisco? Hope it works out!
OH MY GAWD!! YOU"RE GOING TO PARIS!!! I am so effin' envious...
PARIS?!?!?!?! Oh, I don't think so! I am NOT flying over the freaking ocean...no way, no how! but good guess, Susan!
I don't want to jinx anything, so I won't say "how exciting!!!"
New York City?
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