We didn't tell the kids we'd gotten her - they were away for the WHOLE weekend!!! When they got home yesterday she was a surprise for them, along with new beds and sheets - but that's another story. I was on the phone with the Youngest when he saw her (Mom, there's a DOG in the house! Yes, honey - I know. You got us a DOG?!?!?!). They were SO excited that we'd FINALLY gotten them a dog!
We decided to let THEM name her. We had Bella or Belle (which is foreign for Beautiful - NOT Twatlight). We had Mary. We had Undertaker. Diva. Jack. Sparrow. Elizabeth. Swan (still Pirates, NOT Twatlight). Black Pearl (there is a theme I'm sure). They shot down all my Shakespere ideas (I was HELPING). Then there was Rex, Rocks, Ruby, Max, Dora, Blue, Magenta (you'd think I had a house full of toddlers!). Finally, I pulled ROXY outta my head. They thought on it a minute and they all AGREED!!! Apparently, my children like Chicago (said with jazz hands).
Last night, I did get the ultimate thrill out of walking into the living room and saying to Girl Child, "You wanted that puppy, right?"
"Yes", she said with trepidation
"You're going to help take care of her and love her, right?" I said with a smile
"Yes, she's the best little do-wait, why?", she said with a little distain
"She peed on the floor in front of the bathroom door. Yes, it was CLOSE to the bathroom, but she's a DOG. YOU get to clean it!" I said with more than a little excitement (I think my HUGE grin gave it away)
So, I've lost my freaking mind by brining a PUPPY into the house, but seeing the smiles on their faces and hearing them laugh when she plays with them...it MAY be worth the headache of bringing a LIVE animal into my house...MAYBE!!!